
get that tooth loose

It's time to moose

The true children of the corn, MooseTooth is an Indianapolis band comprised of Thomas East, Jordan Maddox, Sam Purtee, Michael Klein, and Aaron Randall. Specialzing in making a square peg fit a round hole, MooseTooth inflicted their debut album, "It All Tastes The Same," upon the world in 2022. Obscure Sound writes:

"The captivating debut album from Indianapolis-based quintet MooseTooth, It All Tastes The Same is a creative tour-de-force. With stylistic pursuits spanning from soaring rock to intimate folk and dexterous jazz, It All Tastes The Same introduces the talented act with vigor."

In 2019, brothers Thomas and Sam spent a summer holed up in the back of some old guy's cigar-choked house and started recording some music. From this almost waste of time was born MooseTooth. With members ranging from a classically trained saxophonist to an overzealous 18 year old bassist, they thought, "Why not?" And so after sharpening their antlers, they headed down to Engine Room Recording and made an album.

"It All Tastes The Same" is a collection of songs that are both new and old, some of them having been written almost a decade ago, some written in the present. Songs range from personal snapshots in time, to hysterical nonsense vessels for expression, and even a bouncy, jazzy tune about a real piece of shit named Brian. All artwork for the album was done by the amazing David Dines.

MooseTooth recently released an EP, Live Vol. 1, chronicling their 2023 St. Paddy's day show at The Mousetrap in Indianapolis.

MooseTooth has been gaining a following through high energy shows around Indianapolis and beyond, and are looking forward to making some new pals in new places here soon. Contact us for more info, booking, or anything else you feel like we should know.